What is the Adopt-A-Spot Program?
Residents, businesses, and neighborhood groups volunteer their time to help maintain the City's pocket parks, squares, traffic islands, and other green spaces. Maintenance responsibilities range from weeding and mowing to litter control and planting, depending on your interests and the needs of the particular spot you adopt.
What are my responsibilities as a volunteer?
Complete an application form and a general release form, and make a 2-year commitment to maintain a spot.
Will the City have any involvement?
The Public Works Department will provide volunteers with safety equipment such as safety vests and goggles as requested. The Public Works will provide mulch and loam as requested and will collect yard waste and trash as needed.
The City will post signs at each adopted spot to recognize the service of the volunteers who are responsible for adopting the spot.
How do I Adopt-A-Spot?
Contact Public Works (603) 427-1530
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