TO: John P. Bohenko


FROM: Terry L. Provencher, Planning Department Secretary


RE: Actions taken by the Conservation Commission at a meeting held on January 9, 2002, Conference Room A, Municipal Complex, One Junkins Avenue, Portsmouth, New Hampshire


PRESENT: Chairman Alanson Sturgis; Members Charles Cormier, Carlton McNeil, Allison Tanner, J. Lyn Walters, Brian Wazlaw; Alternates Donald Green and Steven Miller


ALSO PRESENT: Peter Britz, Environmental Planner


ABSENCE EXCUSED: Clotilde Straus




Chairman Sturgis called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.



Mr. McNeil made a motion to accept the minutes of the December 12, 2001, Conservation Committee meeting. Ms. Tanner seconded the motion and all voted in favor.




Voted to recommend approval to the New Hampshire Wetlands Board.




A.                  Kevin Ravenelle for Lafayette Road


Voted to recommend approval to the Planning Board.


B. Portsmouth High School for 50 Andrew Jarvis Drive


Voted to recommend approval to the Planning Board with the following stipulation:


·         to install silt fence around entire site and interior material storage areas and that the silt fences be removed upon completion of the project.


C. Raymond Ramsey for Kearsage Way


Voted to recommend approval to the Planning Board with the following stipulation:


·         that the upland tree buffer remain undisturbed.


IV.                OTHER BUSINESS


A. The Conservation Commission agreed to give Cindy Hayden, Director of Community Development, a Letter of Support to apply for a $50,000 Coastal Zone Management grant to build stone dust paths across areas of erosion on Peirce Island.


B.                 Chairman Sturgis presented the Conservation Commission with letters from the following:


a. New England Wildflower Society in Framingham, MA regarding a volunteer program


b.                  University of New Hampshire Extension Service regarding a training program for the Natural Resource Volunteer Program which will take place at the Urban Forestry Center


C.                 Chairman Sturgis informed the Commission about an organization called Save our Groundwater in Barrington, NH, which is concerned about a bottling plant that is proposing to take 400,000+ gallons of water a day to export. Chairman Sturgis stated this could affect our wells and the Madbury Reservoir.


V.                  ADJOURNMENT


The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. with the next meeting scheduled for February 13, 2002, at 3:30 p.m.



Respectfully submitted by,




Terry L. Provencher

Planning Department Secretary














