MUNICIPAL COMPLEX                                                                                        PORTSMOUTH, NH

DATE:  MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 2002                                                                     TIME:  7:00PM


   I.       CALL TO ORDER


Mayor Sirrell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


  II.       ROLL CALL


Present:            Mayor Sirrell, Assistant Mayor Hanson, Councilors Grasso, Lown, Hynes, Pantelakos, Whitehouse, Marconi and St. Laurent


Absent:            None


 III.            INVOCATION


Mayor Sirrell asked everyone to join in a moment of silent prayer.




Assistant Mayor Hanson led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.




1.                 Recognition of George Hosker for 2001 Holiday Parade


Mayor Sirrell presented George Hosker with a gift in recognition of his work for the 2001 Holiday Parade.


George thanked Mayor Sirrell and the City Council for the gift and recognition of his work with the Holiday Parade.


   V.            ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES – DECEMBER 17, 2001 & JANUARY 7, 2002


Assistant Mayor Hanson moved to accept and approve the City Council minutes of the December 17, 2001 and January 7, 2002 meetings.  Seconded by Councilor St. Laurent and voted.




Charles Vaughn, Portsmouth resident, requested that the City Council require the Trustee of the Trust Funds to appear before the City Council to provide a run down of the funds and programs for the upcoming year by the Prescott Park Arts Festival.  He informed the Council that the Trustees would like to invade the Trust and has requested the City Attorney to file a petition with Probate Court to accomplish this.  He said it was not the intent of the Trust to be invaded and requested that the City Council advised the City Attorney not to pursue this matter with Probate Court.  He also requested that the City Council request the Trustee of the Trust Funds to disclose the total fees paid for the investment advisor and the commissions paid.


Harold Ecker, Portsmouth resident, spoke against the proposed site for a new Library.  He said that the Library should not be placed in a congested area.  He said that if the Library were built at the JFK site he would request that it be named “The JFK Library.”


Audrey Bierhans, Portsmouth resident, discussed her letter before the City Council regarding the restoration of Stephen Chase’s tombstone.  She said that she is requesting any funds collected for the restoration of the tombstone be placed in an account opened with the city.  She said that Mr. Chase’s stone was removed from the cemetery and is now in the possession of Strawbery Banke and they refuse to return it for her to restore.


Peter Bresciano, Portsmouth resident, said that the public should be made aware that the bonding Resolution for the Library only requires two readings for adoption.  He said following the Public Hearing at the February 4th Council meeting the Council would be able to vote on the Resolution.  He expressed concern that there is no language in the Resolution to require the City to receive private funding for a portion of the Library.  He said that the taxpayers should not have to pay for the entire bonding for a new Library.


Seth Marbin, City Year, thanked the City Council for their approval to hold the first “Martin Luther King March for Justice.”  He said that the march would take place on Monday, January 21, 2002 at Prescott Park.  He urged residents to participate in the march.






Mayor Sirrell read the legal notice, declared the Public Hearing open and called for speakers.


Community Development Director Hayden provided a brief overview of the Coastal Zone Management grant application and discussed the types of projects that can be used under the grant.  She said that the funds would be used for further improvements at Peirce Island.


City Manager Bohenko said that the $50,000 match for the grant is in the Capital Improvement Plan.


Hugh Jencks, Chair of the Peirce Island Committee, spoke in favor of the grant and urged the Council to authorize the City Manager to submit the grant for approval by the Coastal Zone Management.  He thanked the Council for their continued support of the Committee.


Peter Bresciano, Portsmouth resident spoke in support of the grant application.  He said that Peirce Island is one of the remaining jewels in the city.


Harold Ecker, Portsmouth resident, spoke against the use of stone dust for a path at Peirce Island.  He suggested the use of cobblestone or brick for a path.


After three calls and no further speakers, Mayor Sirrell declared the Public Hearing closed.


Councilor Whitehouse moved to suspend the rules in order to take up Item X A.2. – Public Hearing Re:  Request for Approval to Apply for a Coastal Zone Management Grant Application for Peirce Island.  Seconded by Councilor Marconi and voted.


Councilor Whitehouse moved to authorize the City Manager to apply for a grant through the NH Coastal Zone Management Program in support of passive recreational improvements to Peirce Island.  Seconded by Councilor Grasso and voted.




A.                First reading of Ordinance amending Chapter 7, Article XI, Section 7.1100 – Speed Limits, Sub-Section B – Speed Limit:  20MPH – Odiorne Point Road and Gosport Road


Councilor Whitehouse moved to pass first reading of the amendment to Chapter 7, Article XI, Section 7.1100, as drafted, and establish a Public Hearing and second reading at the February 4th City Council meeting.  Seconded by Councilor Marconi and voted.


B.                First reading of Ordinance amending Chapter 7, Article III, Section 7.330 – No Parking – Sub-Section A – Elm Court:  on the westerly side of Elm Court


Assistant Mayor Hanson moved to pass first reading of the amendment to Chapter 7, Article III, Section 7.330, as drafted, and establish a Public Hearing and second reading at the February 4th City Council meeting.  Seconded by Councilor Marconi and voted.


C.        First reading of Ordinance amending Chapter 7, Article III, Section 7.330 – No Parking – Sub-Section A – Austin Street (Northerly side of Austin Street between Union Street and Madison Street) and Mirona Road (Both sides from Lafayette Road westerly a distance of 525 feet)


Assistant Mayor Hanson moved to pass first reading of the amendment to Chapter 7, Article III, Section 7.330, as drafted, and establish a Public Hearing and second reading at the February 4th City Council meeting.  Seconded by Councilor Whitehouse and voted.


D.        First reading of Ordinance amending Chapter 7, Article III, Section 7.330 – No Parking – Sub-Section B – No Parking – School Zones – Austin Street


Assistant Mayor Hanson moved to pass first reading of the amendment to Chapter 7, Article III, Section 7.330, as drafted, and establish a Public Hearing and second reading at the February 4th City Council meeting.  Seconded by Councilor Grasso and voted.


E.                First reading of Ordinance amending Chapter 1 by the addition of a new Article XVI – Adoption of Fees by Budget Resolution


Councilor Hynes moved to approve first reading on amendment to City Ordinances to add a new section entitled Chapter 1, Article XVI, to allow the adoption of fees by budget resolution and establish a Public Hearing and second reading at the February 4th City Council meeting.  Seconded by Councilor Marconi.


City Manager Bohenko said that many fees have not been adjusted in sometime because of the cumbersome process to pass ordinances.  He said that by adoption of this ordinance the City Council would be able to discuss the adjustment of fees during the budget process and have those fees amendment by a Budget Resolution, which would streamline the process.


Councilor Pantelakos asked City Manager Bohenko if a separate time would be established during the budget process for the Council to consider and discuss recommended fee increases.


City Manager Bohenko said a detailed explanation would be provided to the City Council for any recommended fee increase.


Assistant Mayor Hanson said that we need to make the public aware of any proposed increases and allow them to provide input.


Councilor Whitehouse spoke against any fee increases relative to taxi’s being part of this Resolution.  He said that the Taxi Commission should recommend any fee increases to the City Council.


City Manager Bohenko said all this ordinance does is facilitate the process.


City Attorney Sullivan said that this ordinance allows a better process to adjust fees.


Motion passed with Councilor Whitehouse voting opposed.


F.                 First reading of Resolution Authorizing a Bond Issue of up to Seven Million Dollars ($7,000,000) for the Construction of a New Public Library


Councilor Pantelakos moved to authorize first reading of the Resolution authorizing a bond issue up to $7,000,000 for the construction of a new public library and hold a Public Hearing and second reading at the February 4th City Council meeting.  Seconded by Councilor Grasso.


Councilor Marconi said that she would not support the construction of a new Library.  She said a new Library is not necessary and a burden to the taxpayers.


City Manager Bohenko provided the City Council with the State Statute on bond indebtedness.


Councilor Whitehouse said he would support first reading because during the Public Hearing individuals will be allowed to express their views on the location.  He recommended that this Resolution be the first Public Hearing at the February 4th Council meeting.


Councilor Lown said he would support the motion, however, it does not mean that he supports the site.


Councilor St. Laurent recommended holding this Public Hearing on a separate night or postponing the Public Hearings on the other ordinances until another meeting.


On a roll call vote 8-1, motion passed.  Assistant Mayor Hanson, Councilors Grasso, Lown, Hynes, Pantelakos, Whitehouse, St. Laurent, and Mayor Sirrell voted in favor.  Councilor Marconi voted opposed.


Councilor Grasso moved that Public Hearings and second readings for Ordinance Items VIII A – E be held at the March 4th City Council meeting.  Seconded by Councilor St. Laurent.


On a unanimous roll call vote 9-0, motion passed.




A.                Letter from Audrey Bierhans requesting any funds collected for the restoration of Stephen Chase’s tombstone be placed in an account opened with the city


Councilor Pantelakos moved to refer to the City Manager with power.  Seconded by Councilor Grasso.


Councilor Pantelakos recommended that we research how many cemeteries in the city have trust funds.  She asked the City Manager to have Strawbery Banke return Mr. Chase’s stone.


City Attorney Sullivan said he feels there is a state law involved in this issue and he would work to get the stone returned.


Motion passed.


B.                Letter from Jeffrey Gabel, The Music Hall regarding an article in USA Today where Portsmouth is cited as one of our nation’s 10 greatest small towns because of our exciting arts and culture


Councilor Grasso moved to accept and place the letter on file.  Seconded by Councilor Marconi and voted.


C.                Letter from Marjorie Hubbard, Greater Portsmouth Chamber of Commerce requesting permission to hang Portsmouth Harbour Trail flags at 26 key sites for the 2002 season


Councilor Grasso moved to refer to the City Manager with power.  Seconded by Councilor Pantelakos and voted.


D.                Letter from Diane Pehrson-Fusco, American Lung Association requesting permission to hold the annual Clean Air Challenge Seacoast Bike Tour on May 18 & 19, 2002


Assistant Mayor Hanson moved to refer to the City Manager with power.  Seconded by Councilor Whitehouse and voted.


E.                Letter from Vanessa Kortze, American Diabetes Association requesting permission to hold the annual Tour de Cure event on Sunday, May 5, 2002


Councilor Grasso moved to refer to the City Manager with power.  Seconded by Councilor Pantelakos and voted.


F.                 Letter from Douglas Knight, Pro Portsmouth, Inc. requesting permission to hold Children’s Day 2002 on Sunday, May 5, 2002


Assistant Mayor Hanson moved to refer to the City Manager with power.  Seconded by Councilor Whitehouse and voted.


G.                Letter from Douglas Knight, Pro Portsmouth, Inc. requesting permission to hold Market Square Day 2002 on Saturday, June 8, 2002


Assistant Mayor Hanson moved to refer to the City Manager with power.  Seconded by Councilor Pantelakos and voted.


H.                Sidewalk Obstruction License applications from the following businesses:


1.                  Lucky 7 Gallery 1 A-frame sign (Tabled from the December 17, 2001 City Council meeting)


Councilor Whitehouse moved to approve the application.  Seconded by Councilor Pantelakos and voted.


2.                  Zaatar Café 2 A-frame signs


Councilor Whitehouse moved to approve the application.  Seconded by Councilor Pantelakos and voted.


I.                    Request from AT&T Broadband to Commence Renewal Process of Cable Franchise Agreement


Councilor Grasso moved the letter from AT&T dated December 26th regarding the renewal process of the cable franchise to the Cable Commission and authorize the City Manager to obtain special counsel to commence negotiations.  Seconded by Assistant Mayor Hanson.


Councilor Grasso advised the public if they have concerns with their cable service to contact the City Manager’s office to make the City aware of these issues.


Councilor St. Laurent suggested holding a public hearing to receive input from individuals on their cable service.


City Manager Bohenko said he would suggest that the Cable Commission hold a public input session for the residents and advertise the date for the public to attend.


Councilor Pantelakos suggested that the City actively pursue other cable companies to provide cable services for the City.


Motion passed.


J.                  Letter from Attorney Bernard Pelech regarding rezoning of property located off of Lang Road


Councilor Whitehouse moved to refer to the Planning Board for a report back.  Seconded by Councilor Marconi and voted.




A.                CITY MANAGER


Acceptance of $50.00 donation from Dan & Eileen Dioyon for renovations to the Sherburne Playground (Not on agenda)


Councilor St. Laurent voted to accept a $50.00 donation from Dan & Eileen Dioyon for renovations to the Sherburne Playground.  Seconded by Councilor Grasso and voted.


1.                 Request for Work Session Re:  1) Proposed Second Parking Garage, and 2) Market Square Day Request


Councilor Whitehouse moved to establish a work session with the EDC on Monday, January 28th, at 6:30 p.m. for the purposes of discussing the potential of a second parking garage at the Worth Lot, followed by a work session at 7:30 p.m. with Pro-Portsmouth to discuss Market Square Day.  Seconded by Councilor Grasso and voted.


3.         Request to Bring Back for First Reading an Agreement to City Ordinance 8.206(A) and 8.206(J) – Loitering and Boisterousness


City Attorney Sullivan said Judge Taylor found an error within the ordinance and this amendment will clean up the error.  The ordinance currently reads that there would not be a fine for a first offense violating this ordinance, which was not the intent of the Council when this was originally passed.


Councilor Pantelakos moved to authorize the City Manager to have the City Attorney draft an amendment to the City Ordinance regulating alcohol use, Sections 8.206A and 8.206J, to bring back for first reading at the March 4th City Council meeting.  Seconded by Councilor Whitehouse.


Councilor Lown said that there should not be a fine for a first offense, therefore he would vote against the motion.


Mayor Sirrell passed the gavel to Assistant Mayor Hanson.


Mayor Sirrell said that if the City Attorney feels that this amendment is necessary then the Council should support it.


Assistant Mayor Hanson passed the gavel back to Mayor Sirrell.


Motion passed with Councilor Lown voting opposed.


4.            Request to Approve a Proposed Policy Procedure in Naming of Private Streets


Councilor Lown moved to approve the proposed policy procedure, as submitted, to assist in the naming of private streets.  Seconded by Councilor Grasso and voted.


Assistant Mayor Hanson requested that the postal service be added to the procedure for the naming of private streets.


Procedure in Naming Private Streets:


1.                  The property owner submits a request to the City Council seeking the formal naming of a private street/driveway for purposes of enhancing public safety.  The communication should include a depiction of the appropriate rights-of-ways and may offer suggestions as to names.

2.                  The City Council may refer the request to the Planning Board for a report back with recommendations.

3.                  The referral shall be forwarded to the Police and Fire Departments for assistant in:  1) determining if the site has been difficult to locate and service; and, 2) to offer comments on proposed names.

4.                  Using this information the Planning Board shall consider and make appropriate recommendations from the following options:

5.                  Recommendation to formally name a private street/driveway:

·        That the private street/driveway should be named.

·        That Public Safety Agencies approved the use of a particular name.

·        That Public Works should determine the proper numbering in conjunction with the postal service.

·        That posted signs shall be installed, which designate the street/driveway as being “Private.”

·        That the property owner should bear associated costs in preparing and installing signage.

6.                  Recommendation to not formally name a private right-of-way:

·        That no public safety issues have been identified.

·        That Public Safety Agencies do not approve the use of a particular name.

·        That more information is needed before a determination can be made.


5.                 Request to use “Pheasant Lane” as a Name for a Private Street off Hoover Drive


Councilor Whitehouse moved to approve the request from the Condominium Association that its street be known as “Pheasant Lane,” subject to the stipulations previously outlined.  Seconded by Councilor Hynes and voted.


6.                 Report Back Re:  Ralph’s Truck Sales – Request to Release Easement


City Manager Bohenko said that Attorney McGee on behalf of Ralph’s Truck Sales is requesting the release of the easement on the property located on Lafayette Road.  The easement being referred to is a holding pond easement, which was created when the Longmeadow Road subdivision was created in the 1970’s.  Due to recent construction on this site, the easement is no longer needed.


Councilor Hynes moved to approve the request of Attorney John P. McGee, Jr. to release an easement on the Ralph’s Truck Sales property on Lafayette Road, subject to the concurrence of the Public Works Department.  Seconded by Councilor Marconi and voted.


7.                 Request for Conditional Acceptance of Wholey Way


Councilor Marconi moved to conditionally accept Wholey Way as recommended by the Planning Board.  Seconded by Councilor Whitehouse and voted.


8.                 Request for Conditional Acceptance of Odiorne Point Road (Tucker’s Cove, Phase III)


Assistant Mayor Hanson moved to conditionally accept Odiorne Point Road (Tucker’s Cove, Phase III) as recommended by the Planning Board.  Seconded by Councilor Whitehouse and voted.


9.                 Request to Bring Back for First Reading a Proposed Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to Impact Fees


Planning Director Holden said that this ordinance change acknowledges a judgement by the Supreme Court.  He said that the Council needs to take steps to protect the City’s interest.


Councilor Pantelakos moved to authorize the City Manager to bring back for first reading on March 4th various amendments to the City Ordinances that would allow for the establishment of an Impact Fee Ordinance.  Seconded by Councilor Grasso and voted.


10.             Rehabilitation of the 1895 Building


City Manager Bohenko said that we are investigating the rehabilitation of the 1895 building for use as senior housing.  He said that we would enter a long-term lease with the Portsmouth Housing Authority.  He said that improvements to the building would occur within the building footprint, and the building’s historic façade would be preserved.


Assistant Mayor Hanson moved to authorize the City Manager to take actions necessary to work with the Portsmouth Housing Authority, and all appropriate state and federal agencies, to pursue the rehabilitation of the 1895 building for use as senior housing, and specifically, to enter into a six-month development option agreement with the Portsmouth Housing Authority.  Seconded by Councilor Grasso.


Councilor Marconi asked if we explored putting this property back on the tax rolls.


City Manager Bohenko said if we created office space, we would need to create 70 additional parking spaces.  He said it would also be difficult to break a long-term agreement if problems arose.  He said that the senior housing would have limited impact on parking at City Hall to 16 to 20 cars in the lot.


Councilor Marconi said that the Dan Hughes proposal should have been pursued by the City.


Councilor Hynes said that Dan Hughes proposal was to build a Library at the 1895 site.


Councilor Whitehouse said he would like to see the City try to get assisted living in the 1895 building rather than senior housing.


Assistant Mayor Hanson commended the City Manager and Ted Connors for coming forward with this idea for the building.  He said that assisted living would not work for the 1895 building because it must be limited to one level.  He said that the Council inquired on how much it would cost to build a parking facility on site and Pro Con came back with a figure of $750,000.00.


Councilors Grasso and Pantelakos spoke in support of the project.


Mayor Sirrell passed the gavel to Assistant Mayor Hanson.


Mayor Sirrell congratulated the City Manager for this concept.  She said that this is a wonderful idea and we need more senior housing in the City of Portsmouth.


Assistant Mayor Hanson passed the gavel back to Mayor Sirrell.


Assistant Mayor Hanson asked if the City would maintain ownership of the land.


City Manager Bohenko said that is correct.


Motion passed.


11.             Request for Approval of Pole License Agreement


Assistant Mayor Hanson moved to approve the pole license agreement as recommended by the Public Works Department contingent upon the removal of the guide wire near the corner of Harding and Elwyn Roads.  Seconded by Councilor Grasso and voted.


12.             Requests Re:  Moebus Terrace Paper Street


City Attorney Sullivan said that Mr. Little would like to build a home on his land located on Moebus Terrace and needs to get access over the paper street which abutters have constructed a fence down the middle of the paper street where Mr. Little desires to build his driveway.  He recommended that this matter be referred to the Planning Board for a report back to the City Council.


Assistant Mayor Hanson moved to refer the Meyer, LeVerrier, and Little requests regarding Moebus Terrace to the Planning Board for a report back.  Seconded by Councilor Lown and voted.


Acceptance of New Hampshire Estuaries Grant – Brackett Road sewer extension (Not on Agenda)


City Manager Bohenko said that we have received a $30,000.00 estuaries grant and additional funding through SRF to extend sewer lines on Brackett Road.


Councilor Grasso moved to accept the Estuaries Grant in the amount of $30,000 for the Brackett Road sewer extension.  Seconded by Councilor Lown and voted.


Assistant Mayor Hanson spoke concern with the Trustee of the Trust Funds petition to probate court to invade the trust.  He said it is not the role of the trust to spend the funds.


City Attorney Sullivan said that the Trustee of the Trust Funds has not taken a vote on this matter and no petition has been made to the court.  He said that he and the Trustees are working with the Attorney General’s office on the concept.


Assistant Mayor Hanson requested that the Trustee of the Trust Funds disclose the total fees paid for the investment advisor and the commissions paid.  He also requested that the City Manager instruct the City Attorney not to pursue legal action through Probate Court to invade the trust.  He also suggested holding a work session with the Trustees to discuss these matters.


Councilor Grasso requested a legal opinion from the City Attorney on the authority the City Council has on the Trustee of the Trust Funds.


Councilor Grasso moved to hold a work session with the Trustee of the Trust Funds on Monday, March 11th at 6:30 p.m., in Conference Room A.  Seconded by Councilor Marconi and voted.


Councilor Marconi requested that the City Council receive copies of the Prescott Trust documentation for review before the work session on March 11th.


B.                MAYOR SIRRELL


1.                 Donation to the Coalition Legal Fund


Mayor Sirrell passed her gavel to Assistant Mayor Hanson.


Mayor Sirrell moved to accept the $5,000 contribution from the Town of Tuftonboro to be placed in the Coalition Legal Fund.  Seconded by Councilor Grasso and voted.


Assistant Mayor Hanson passed the gavel back to Mayor Sirrell.


2.                 Appointments/Resignation


The City Council considered the following appointments:  Ronald Cypher, Ralph DiBernardo, Herbert Bunnell, and Hank Greenberg to the Traffic & Safety Committee; Everett Eaton to the Economic Development Commission; and Eugene Fisk to the Cable Television Commission.  These appointments will be voted on by the City Council at the February 4th meeting.


Assistant Mayor Hanson moved to appoint Eileen Foley to the Trustee of the Trust Funds filling the unexpired term of Charles Vaughn until January 1, 2004.  Seconded by Councilor Lown and voted.


Councilor Whitehouse moved to reappoint William Elwell to the Trustee of the Trust Funds until January 1, 2005.  Seconded by Councilor Pantelakos and voted.


Councilor Lown moved to reappoint Peter Bresciano to the Taxi Commission until December 31, 2003.  Seconded by Councilor Grasso and voted.


Councilor Grasso moved to reappoint James Feehley to the Taxi Commission until December 31, 2003.  Seconded by Assistant Mayor Hanson and voted.


Councilor Grasso moved to reappoint Frank Daggett to the Taxi Commission until December 31, 2003.  Seconded by Councilor Lown and voted.


Councilor St. Laurent moved to reappoint Betty Sanford to the Taxi Commission until December 31, 2003.  Seconded by Councilor Whitehouse and voted.


Assistant Mayor Hanson moved to appoint Noele Clews to the Planning Board filling the unexpired term of Faye Goldberg until December 31, 2004.  Seconded by Councilor Whitehouse and voted.


Councilor Grasso moved to appoint Paige Roberts from an alternate to a regular member of the Planning Board filling the unexpired term of Arthur Parrott until December 31, 2004.  Seconded by Councilor St. Laurent and voted.


Councilor Grasso moved to appoint George Savramis as an alternate to the Planning Board filling the unexpired term of Paige Roberts until December 31, 2002.


Councilor Whitehouse moved to reappoint Frederick Gray to the Traffic & Safety Committee until January 1, 2004.  Seconded by Councilor St. Laurent and voted.


Councilor Grasso moved to reappoint Christopher Rogers to the Board of Adjustment until December 1, 2006.  Seconded by Councilor St. Laurent and voted.


Councilor Grasso moved to reappoint Barbara Ward to the Library Trustees until October 1, 2004.  Seconded by Councilor St. Laurent and voted.


Councilor Hynes moved to accept with regret the resignation of Virginia Weeks from the Board of Adjustment with appreciation for her service to the City.  Seconded by Councilor Pantelakos and voted.


Mayor Sirrell said that she received a letter from Kent LaPage, Chair of the School Board listing the their representatives to various Boards and Commissions.


Assistant Mayor Hanson moved to approve the appointments of School Board Representatives to various Boards and Commission as recommended by the School Board.  Seconded by Councilor Whitehouse and voted.  The appointments are as follows:  John Lyons, Charles Vaughn and Kent LaPage to the Joint Budget Committee; Nancy Novelline Clayburgh, Carvel Tefft, and Kent LaPage to the Joint Building Committee; Raimond Bowles to the Library Trustees; and Kent LaPage to the Recreation Board.


3.                 Reports


Mayor Sirrell read a letter from US Senator Gregg regarding the Emergency Management Agency.


Mayor Sirrell announced that she received a letter from Harold Peterson regarding Ledgewood Manor advising the City Council that they cannot meet their schedule which will delay the conversion and the Portsmouth Housing Authority has been made aware of these events.




1.                 Consideration of First Reading of Ordinance amending Chapter 7, Article II – Taxicabs – Section 7.211 C, License Required


Councilor Whitehouse moved to approve the request to bring back this ordinance for first reading at the February 4th City Council meeting.  Seconded by Councilor Lown and voted.




At 9:30 p.m., Assistant Mayor Hanson moved to adjourn.  Seconded by Councilor Pantelakos and voted.



