MEMBERS PRESENT: David M. Holden, Planning Director, Chairman;

David Allen, Deputy Public Works Director;

Michael Magnant, Deputy Police Chief;

Ricky Plummer, Fire Chief;

John Burke, Parking and Traffic Engineer; and,

Alanson Sturgis, Chairman of the Conservation Commission

ALSO PRESENT: Lucy E. Tillman, Planner I



A. The application of Irving Oil Corporation for property located at 2470 Lafayette Road wherein site plan approval is requested for the construction of a 2,995 s.f. service station/convenience goods II store and a 1,740 s.f. lube facility with related paving, utilities, landscaping, drainage and associated site improvements. Said property is shown on Assessor Plan 285 as Lot 14 and lies within a General Business district. (This application was tabled at the Committee’s July 3, 2001 meeting to this meeting.)


Chief Plummer moved that the application be taken off the table. Mr. Allen seconded the motion. The motion passed on a 6-0 vote.

Attorney Bernard W. Pelech addressed the Committee and stated that since the last meeting the looped road to the rear of the property was eliminated alleviating the need for filling in the wetlands.

The second change mentioned by Attorney Pelech is the single curb cut which would be located roughly in the middle of the property which is a change from the previously proposed northerly and southerly curb cuts. The change would accommodate customers of the Quick Lube Facility proposed to be located on the left hand side of the property. Otherwise, it was felt that their customers would have to drive through the gas pumps to get to the Quick Lube Facility. The Traffic/Safety Committee has not seen this change.

The detail for the widening in front of the fire station for the right-hand turn lane was not available for this meeting. NH Department of Transportation Approval is still needed.


Chief Plummer moved to approve with stipulations. Mr. Allen seconded the motion. The Chair noted that the Public Hearing had been closed at previous meetings; however, he asked if there were any other speakers. There were none.

Ms. Tillman stated that she would advise the Board of Adjustment (BOA) of the change in the plan to a single curb cut from the previously approved (by the BOA) two curb cuts. Attorney

Pelech was asked if the size of the convenience store and canopy would remain the same with his response being in the affirmative.

Mr. Allen commented that he felt the plan before the Committee was a much better plan than those presented in the past. Mr. Burke commented that Traffic/Safety had previously recommended some minor striping and stop controls. The question was asked if the loading zone could be situated in a better place. It was felt that such an issue could be resolved at the Traffic/Safety meeting.

The question was asked if there would be any diesel fueling pumps with the response being that there would be one under the canopy at regular speed designed for automobiles.

The motion to recommend approval passed on a 6-0 vote.

The associated stipulations follow:

  1. That the site plan be reviewed by the Traffic/Safety Committee with a report back to the Planning Board;
  2. That a note be added to the site plan indicating that no approval has been granted for a truck fueling facility;
  3. That drainage calculations be forwarded to David Desfosses, Certified Engineering Technician, Public Works Department; and,
  4. That the landscaping plan be reviewed by the City Arborist or her designee.


B. The application of the City of Portsmouth for property located off Junkins Avenue wherein site plan approval is requested for improvements to the parking lot located at the rear of the Municipal Complex with associated site improvements. Said property is shown on Assessor Plan 110 as Lot 1 and lies within the Municipal district. (This application was tabled at the Committee’s July 3, 2001 meeting to this meeting.)

A motion was made and seconded that the application be taken off the table. The motion passed on a 6-0 vote.

Skip Baghdoyan of Ambit Survey reviewed the changes in the site plan. The biggest change is the inclusion of more parking on the side by cutting into the banking and establishing a retaining wall.

Ambit Engineering was asked at a previous meeting to look at drainage issues. Consultation was had with David Desfosses of the Public Works Department. It was concluded that the proposal before the Committee would not affect any drainage issues which might exist on Mt. Vernon Street.

Steve Parkinson, the Public Works Director, addressed the Committee. As a result of concern expressed regarding pedestrian traffic, the City Manager has authorized the formalization of the existing dirt path located at the southern end of the Seybolt Building; such as, lighting and appropriate signage.

The Chair noted that the Public Hearing had already been closed. However, he asked if there was any one present to speak to the application. No one else rose to speak to this application.


Mr. Allen moved to approve the site plan. The motion was seconded and passed on a 6-0 vote. The associated stipulations are as follows:

  1. That the Planning Department will work with the Public Works Department to coordinate public access on the site; and,
  2. That the landscaping plan shall be reviewed by the City Arborist or her designee.



A. The application of Richard P. Fusegni for property located at 1574 Woodbury Avenue wherein site plan approval is requested for the construction of a 5,250 s.f. building for restaurant use with related paving, utilities, landscaping, drainage and associated site improvements. Said property is shown on Assessor Plan 238 as Lot 17 and lies within a General Business district.


Attorney Bernard W. Pelech addressed the Committee and stated that the project should be familiar to the Committee as the site has been the subject of considerable review for a Ruby Tuesday’s restaurant proposal. He stated that the previous plan had queuing problems. The proposal before the Board will bring traffic in from the rear of the building. He reported that the plan was reviewed by the Traffic/Safety Committee at its June meeting where a favorable recommendation was made. A service road would become the fourth leg of the Commerce Way signalized intersection.

J. Corey Colwell of Millette, Sprague & Colwell reviewed the site plan with the Committee. Drainage would flow southerly/southwesterly to proposed basins. He referred to the existing detention basins behind T J Maxx and at the end of Brady Drive. Existing utilities would be tapped; such as, gas, electric, sewer and telephone and would come in from Woodbury Avenue to the back of the site. The proposal calls for a change in the location of the Durgin Square signage. Mr. Colwell concluded his presentation by stating that very little changes have been made to the plan since the previous presentation.

Attorney Pelech was asked to explain recent Board of Adjustment actions. He informed the Committee that a Variance had been received for a 20’ landscaped buffer vs. a 40’ buffer. Variances for a rear setback of 6’ and a side yard of 10’ will allow the building to be placed in the back corner providing more parking area.

Incoming traffic using the service road at the Commerce Way signalized intersection will not be subject to a stop sign. However, the internal intersection in the Durgin Square Shopping Center will be a three-way stop; that is, the intersection by T J Maxx.

The question was asked as to parking relief with the response being that 70 spaces are required. Sixty-one spaces will be provided on site and nine spaces will be provided off-site in the

shopping center. The question was asked if there would be joint parking or cross easement with Boston Market. The response was in the negative.

The Chair referred to the lot line relocation plan which had been approved by the Planning Board quite some time ago. The site plan lot lines reflect that approved plan. The request for the lot line relocation will be brought before the Planning Board again as part of this application due to the time lapse and the fact that the mylar was never recorded.

Paul Konieczka of CLD Consulting Engineers spoke to the traffic impact involved with the proposal. He stated that an updated traffic study had been prepared. The signalized intersection at Commerce Way will allow for designated left turns. The service road will provide a third way in for the shopping center. The Traffic/Safety Committee met on site and made recommendations concerning a side walk, three way stop, stop lines and stop signs. The signals along the corridor will be re-timed and re-coordinated. It is Mr. Konieczka’s opinion that without the Commerce Way signalization, Level of Service would be "F"; with the signalization, the Level of Service would be "C".

Mr. Burke asked if all markings would be taped and Mr. Konieczka referred to plastic tape. Mr. Burke also referred to LED heads. Mr. Konieczka felt that the proposal would provide a significant improvement to the congestion at Durgin Lane; and, more particularly, Arthur Brady Drive. Specifically, he felt that the reduction would be some 10-15% at the Brady Drive intersection.

Attorney Pelech informed the Committee that Fred Sprague of Millette, Sprague & Colwell had spoken with David Desfosses of the Public Works Department; that a drainage plan would be provided to Mr. Desfosses adding that the drainage plan is all part of the master drainage plan for the shopping center. He stated that all utilities had been sized appropriately at the time the shopping center was construction to allow for something to be done on the Fusegni property. He felt that the only thing to be added would be grease/oil separators for the parking lot and a grease trap for the restaurant.

The Chair asked if sloped granite curbing would be provided for the island with the response being in the affirmative. The Chair pointed out that the plan refers to vertical granite curbing.

Reference was made to the landscaping plan with the Chair commenting that flowering trees in the spring along the corridor are very pretty. Attorney Pelech stated that Norway Maples and Paper Birches are planned along Woodbury Avenue. The Chair stated that such would be fine as long as the landscaping is something more than shrubs.

The Fire Chief noted that the plan indicates a 6" fire service and asked if the building would be sprinklered. The response from Attorney Pelech was that it would depend on the tenant; however, if a sprinkler was required that would not be a problem.

The Chair made three calls for speakers. There being none, the Public Hearing was closed.


Mr. Sturgis moved to approve with stipulations. Mr. Allen seconded the motion.

Mr. Allen inquired as to lighting. Mr. Colwell explained that there would be four pole lights in the area of the parking lot.



The Chair asked if the applicant would be responsible for any traffic mitigation. Attorney Pelech responded that there had been no previous stipulations; that the project across the street (Brora) is bearing the expense of all of those improvements.

Mr. Burke inquired if the proposal before the Committee would dovetail with the existing corridor project. Attorney Pelech explained that it was anticipated that ground would be broken this fall. Mr. Burke asked that the applicant’s traffic engineer be available to come back to do any re-timing that may be necessary. Attorney Pelech indicated that such would not be a problem.

The motion passed on a 6-0 vote.

The associated stipulations are as follows:

  1. That the applicant apply for Final Subdivision Approval as part of the application process;
  2. That the site plan indicate sloped granite curbing for the island;
  3. That the landscaping plan be reviewed by the City Arborist or her designee;
  4. That the applicant’s traffic engineer be available for the "tweaking" of any traffic signalization interconnect;
  5. That the new traffic signal pedestrian regular heads be LED and all markings be plastic taped with the exception of the lane lines on Woodbury Avenue;
  6. That the building be sprinklered;
  7. That the master box be connected to the municipal system;
  8. That the conduit for the fire alarm system be installed during the construction process; and,
  9. That the drainage study be submitted to the City’s engineering department for review.


B. The request of Siegel Limited Partnership, Ocean Castle Limited Partnership and 40 Longmeadow Portsmouth LLC for property located at 2995 Lafayette Road and 40 Longmeadow Road for approval of an amended site plan indicating the filling in of 10,234 s.f. of a man-made detention basin that is no longer functional. Said property is shown on Assessor Plan 291 as Lots 1 and 4 and lies within a General Business district.


Richard P. Millette of Millette, Sprague & Colwell addressed the Committee. Howard Siegel of Ralph’s Truck Sales was seated in the audience.

Mr. Millette explained that at one time the Speakeasy was located at the end of Longmeadow Road. The building is now an industrial building with some office space. A detention pond was constructed in 1983. A proposed parking area never got built. The NH Department of

Transportation, in 1986, in connection with the reconstruction of Ocean and Lafayette Roads, reconstructed the drainage system straight through Mr. Siegel’s property out to and into the wetlands.

Over time, the detention pond dried up and Mr. Siegel asked the Millette firm to do an analysis. It was determined that the area could be made significantly smaller.

A Wetlands Fill Permit was filed with the State Department of Environmental Services. A favorable recommendation was received from the Conservation Commission. A Wetland Fill Permit has been issued.

The request is to amend an earlier site plan approval. The question was asked if any filling of the detention pond had occurred to date. Mr. Millette responded in the negative. The Chair inquired as to the location of the mobile home park in relation to the site in question. Mr. Millette pointed in a southerly direction.

There being no further speakers, the Chair declared the Public Hearing closed.


Chief Plummer moved to approve. The motion was seconded. The Chair noted that it would be helpful to have compliance in the form of an amended site plan and spoke to the cooperation of the applicant in correcting any misunderstanding concerning any work that may have occurred on site.

The motion passed on a 6-0 vote.


Adjournment of this session occurred at approximately 3:00 p.m. A meeting of the Pease Technical Review Committee followed concerning the application of Port City Aircraft Repair, Inc. for property located at 104 Grafton Drive.

These minutes were taken and transcribed by Barbara B. Driscoll, Administrative Assistant in the Planning Department.