William D. Mortimer, Chairman

William F. Devine

John D. Kelley


MINUTES of the August 17, 2001 Special Meeting – Grievance Hearing (NON-PUBLIC)

1:00 PM - Portsmouth Police Department 2nd Floor Conference Room

CALL TO ORDER: the Chairman called the August 17, 2001 Special Police Commission Meeting to order at 1:00 PM. The purpose of this meeting was to conduct a grievance hearing as requested by IBPO Local 402 in reference to Grievance #G-2001-03.

(One cassette tape documenting this meeting is on file for reference).

Present during non-public session: Commissioners Mortimer, Devine, and Kelley, City Attorney

Robert Sullivan, Chief Russ, Attorney Tom Flygare, Accounting Assistant Cathy Tuchman, Officer David Colby - Steward for Local 402, and Officer Rodney McQuate - Vice President of Local 402



Commissioner Devine moved that the Board adjourn the grievance hearing.

Seconded by Commissioner Kelley.

On a Roll Call Vote: the Board unanimously voted in favor of the motion at 2:56 PM



Respectfully Submitted By Carol Bryant, Executive Assistant

Reviewed By Commissioner John D. Kelley, Clerk